
呂欣蔓  (Hsin-Man Lu, M.S.)
姓名 呂欣蔓 (Hsin-Man Lu, M.S.)
職稱 專任講師
學歷 美國紐約福特漢姆大學(Fordham University)科際整合研究所博士班(進修中)
美國康乃爾大學(Cornell University)教育心理學碩士

經歷 臺中健康暨管理學院學務處課外活動組組長
專長 社會心理學、性格心理學、人際關係與溝通、科際整合研究
在校時間表 在校時間表
校內辦公室 HB20
教師歷程檔案 http://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/900100053
年度 論文名稱
2023 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu), CAR-T cells targeting HLA-G as potent therapeutic strategy for EGFR-mutated and overexpressed oral cancer, iScience, vol.26 no.3 pp.106089-, 2023
2021 Chia Ing Jan、呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu)、Der-Yang Cho(Der-Yang Cho)*, Targeting Human Leukocyte Antigen G with Chimeric Antigen Receptors of Natural Killer Cells Convert Immunosuppression to Ablate Solid Tumors, Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, vol.9 no.10 pp.e003050-e003050, 2021
2018 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu), Predictors of Response to Autologous Dendritic Cell Therapy in Glioblastoma Multiforme, Frontiers in Immunology, vol.9 no.727, 2018
2015 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu), Primary Sjögren's syndrome initially presenting as submandibular mucosa‑associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma: A case report, Oncology Letters, vol.11 no.2 pp.921-924, 2015
發表日期 論文名稱
2021.05 Nerisa Arias, Undergraduate Perceptions of Instructors Race and Gender Based on Feedback They Provide on Student Work , Doctoral Research Celebration, May. 2021, 美國/紐約州/紐約市
2019.11 Chia Ing Jan、呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu)、Der-Yang Cho, Human leukocyte antigen G as a novel target for switch, based chimeric antigen receptor natural killer cell therapy of solid cancers - AACR Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy, Nov. 2019, Boston, MA, USA
2018.09 Fang-Yu Lin、呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu)、Der-Yang Cho, PD, 1 to CD8 Ratio on Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells as a Predictor for Determining Response of Glioblastoma Patients to Radiation-induced ICD-based DC vaccine Therapy - CRI-CIMT-EATI-AACR International Cancer Immunotherapy Conference: Translating Science into Survival , Sep. 2018, New York, New York, USA
2016.08 熊可鈞、陳錡, Value Affirmation and Compassion , 2016 International Seminar on Indigenous Counseling Psychology: Culture-Inclusive Counseling Psychology, Aug. 2016, Nantou, Taiwan
2013.09 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu), Somatic Mutations of EGFR Overexpression Predicted Poor Prognosis and Promoted Invasiveness in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas through Tenascin, C Activation - 2013 International Symposium on Clinical and Translational Cancer Research(102學年度第一學期), Sep. 2013, Taipei Veterans General hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
2009.01 陳家羽, 第三屆全球化與華語論述國際研討會, Jan. 2009, 台灣台中霧峰,亞洲大學
2008.01 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu), 心理位移日記書寫法對情緒與幸福感之影響:兼論心理位移與中庸之對應與關連 , 中國社會心理學會研討會, Jan. 2008, 中國天津
2007.01 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu), Becoming free of attachment when securely attached: the moderating effect of attachment style on perspective change over gratitude , 7th annual meeting of Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), Jan. 2007, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
2007.01 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu), Relation Between Affect Valuation and Loneliness , 7th annual meeting of Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), Jan. 2007, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
2006.01 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu), 「大我」與「小我」思考方向對感激與負債的影響︰心理 位移與中庸思惟之關連 , 中國社會心理學會年會, Jan. 2006, 中國安徽
2006.01 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu), From where do I see me? Psychological displacement and its interplay with gender, well, being, and gratitude - international conference on Child Development in Family, School and Cultural Contexts, Jan. 2006, Incheon, Korea
2006.01 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu), Happier When Thinking Holistically: The Moderating Effect of Zhong, Yong Thinking Style over Psychological Displacement on Perceived Gratitude - International Conference on Child Development in Family, School and Cultural Contexts, Jan. 2006, Incheon, Korea
2004.01 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu), 依戀傾向、個體寂寞感和人際信賴感 , 台灣心理學會年會, Jan. 2004, 台灣台北,政治大學
Cross, cultural comparison of interpersonal competence - Changing Social Practice: Reconnecting Scholarship and Community Action, New York, U.S.A
計畫名稱 參與人 計畫期間
Targeting Human Leukocyte Antigen-G for Treating MultidrugResistant Head-Neck Cancers by Using Allogeneic Immune Cell Therapy (MOST 111-2314-B-039-047 -) 詹佳穎(Chia Ing Jan)、呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu) 2022.08 ~ 2023.07
PD-L1 Blockade Overcome Human Leukocyte Antigen G Specific Chimeric Antigen Receptor –γδT cell Acquired Resistant Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells (DMR-CELL-2106) 詹佳穎(Chia Ing Jan)、黃士維、呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu) 2021.06 ~ 2022.05
Evaluation of the candidates and mechanisms of EGFR mutations mediated regional neck lymph node and distant metastasis and resistance to targeting and immune therapy of oral squamous cell carcinoma ( MOST 108-2320-B-039-046 - ) 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu) 2019.08 ~ 2020.07
Evaluation of the mechanisms and histological application of EGFR mutation mediated regional lymph node and distant metastasis of oral squamous cell carcinoma (107-2320-B-039-051-) 詹佳穎、呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu) 2018.08 ~ 2019.07
Discovering Novel Transcriptomes and Antigens for Autologous Dendritic Cell/Tumor Antigen (ADCTA) therapy Against Glioblastoma Multiforme (DMR-CELL-17011) 詹佳穎、呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu) 2017.11 ~ 2018.11
Evaluation of CHIP(Carboxyl terminus of Hsp70) and its mutants in regulating EGFR and EGFR mutations in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. (DMR-104-047) 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu) 2014.12 ~ 2015.11
102年度溫馨專案「馨生人家庭會談」」(101學年度第2學期~102學年度第1學期) (20130725012334) 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu) 2013.03 ~ 2013.12
Natural history of head and neck cancer precursors: A cohort study in Taiwan (20181122013651) 蔡銘修、王承平、王承平、花俊宏、鄒永恩、詹佳穎、詹日全、呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu) 2013.01 ~ 2020.12
101年度溫馨專案「犯罪被害人家屬—家庭會談」(100學年度第2學期~101學年度第1學期) (20120619184418) 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu) 2012.01 ~ 2012.12
100年度溫馨專案「犯罪被害人家屬—家庭會談」(99學年第二學期~100學年第一學期) (09934023) 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu) 2011.01 ~ 2011.12
99年度台中看守所家庭教育輔導方案 (20110518025539) 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu) 2010.01 ~ 2010.12
霧峰計畫 (9200000067) 呂欣蔓(Hsin-Man Lu)
獎項名稱 頒獎單位
學術研究獎 本校
學術研究獎 本校
優良教學獎 請選擇
優良導師獎 本校
課程類別 課程代碼 課程名稱 年度
大學日間部 TP300031A 性格心理學 113
大學日間部 TP300031B 性格心理學 113
大學日間部 TP300186B 普通心理學(一) 113
大學日間部 TP300275C 學輔時間(四) 113
大學日間部 TP300339A 畢業專題(二) 113