Department of Psychology, Asia University

 Fen-Fang Tsai, Ph. D.
Name Fen-Fang Tsai, Ph. D.
Job title Assistant Professor
Education PhD August, 2006, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology, University of Rochester, U.S.A.
MS March, 2004, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology, University of Rochester, U.S.A.
MS June, 1997, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
BS June, 1995, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Experience July, 2020 to July 2022: Lecturer
Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore
July, 2016 to June 2020: Visiting senior fellow
Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore
July, 2008 – June, 2016: Assistant professor
Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore
August, 2006 – June, 2008, Visiting Fellow
Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore
Specialty Social psychology, Close Relationships

Emotional Expression/Suppression in Relationships Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Perception, Reflected Appraisal Adult Attachment
Social Comparison Self in Relationships
Date of Publication Paper Title
2024.07 曾閔宣(Min-Hsuan Tseng)、蔡芬芳(Fen-Fang Tsai)、莊暘安(YANG-AN CHUANG)、張瀚云(Han Yun Chang), EEG Characteristics Under the Influence of Anxiety, Depression, and Their Comorbidity: Insights from the Right Prefrontal Cortex to the Left Prefrontal Cortex , NEURO2024, Jul. 2024, Fukuoka, Japan
2024.04 陳雅琪、蔡芬芳(Fen-Fang Tsai)、張瀚云(Han Yun Chang), 情緒掌控下的幸福學:揭開性別與復原力在提升心理幸福感中的隱藏角色 , 2024年台灣臨床心理學會 學術研討會, Apr. 2024, 台灣
2023.11 張瀚云(Han Yun Chang)、蔡芬芳(Fen-Fang Tsai)、江宜諭, 大學生網路成癮與心理健康:睡眠品質、情緒調節能力和生活滿意度的探討 , 臺灣諮商心理學會 112 年會暨學術研討會, Nov. 2023, 台灣
Category Course Code Course Title Year
大學日間部 TP300337B 統計學(二) 113
大學日間部 TP300338A 畢業專題(一) 113
碩士在職專班 TP400003A 高等統計學 113
研究所碩士班 TP200251A 應用心理學跨域研究(一) 113
研究所碩士班 TP200256A 應用心理學專題研究(二) 113
研究所碩士班 TP200263A 應用心理學專題研究(四) 113