Department of Psychology, Asia University

Pin-Yang Yeh (葉品陽), Ph.D.
Name Pin-Yang Yeh (葉品陽), Ph.D.
Job title Assistant Professor
Education Ph.D. in Institute of Allied Health Sciences, College of Medicine,National Cheng Kung University
Clinical Psychologist, Taiwan Private Kaohsiung Charity Hospital
Clinical Psychologist, Department of Child Psychiatry and Adult Psychiatry, Acting Pingtung Hospital
Part-time Clinical Psychologist, Department of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University Hospital
Part-time Research Fellow, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Hospital
Specialty Mental Health, Neuropsychotherapy, Psychological Evaluation, Psychopathology
Tel 8003
Office 8001
Year Paper Title
2024 Hsien-Jane Chiu、Cheuk-Kwan Sun、Yun-Ling Liu、Yu-Ru Sue、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)*, Comparing four algorithms in predicting the risk of driving under the influence of alcohol among individuals with alcohol use disorder, CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, 2024
2024 Chih-Lung Lin、Hsien-Yuan Lane、Cheuk-Kwan Sun、Meng-Hsiang Chen、Chiao-Yu Lee、Lin Li、Jia-Jie Lee、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)*, Effects of chronic daily headache with subclinical depression on brain volume: A systematic review and meta-analysis, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAIN, 2024
2024 Hsien-Jane Chiu、Cheuk-Kwan Sun、Hung-Yu Wang、張瀚云(Han Yun Chang)、郭俊顯(Chun-Hsien Kuo)、Yu-Ru Sue、Shu-Hsuan Wu、Shih-Yi Tung、Chiao-Yu Lee、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)*, A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between heavy smoking and probability discounting, AMERICAN JOURNAL ON ADDICTIONS, 2024
2023 Keng-Hsu Chen、Bing-Yan Zeng、Bing-Syuan Zeng、Cheuk-Kwan Sun、 Yu-Shian Cheng、Kuan-Pin Su、Yi-Cheng Wu、 Tien-Yu Chen、Pao-Yen Lin、Chih-Sung Liang、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh), The efficacy of exogenous melatonin supplement in ameliorating irritable bowel syndrome severity: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 2023
2023 曾秉濤(Ping-Tao Tseng)、Bing-Syuan Zeng、孫旻暐(MEIN-WOEI SUEN)、Yi-Cheng Wu、Christoph U Correll、Bing-Yan Zeng、John S Kuo、Yen-Wen Chen、Tien-Yu Chen、 Yu-Kang Tu, Efficacy and acceptability of anti-inflammatory eicosapentaenoic acid for cognitive function in Alzheimer’s dementia: A network meta-analysis of randomized, placebo-controlled trials with omega-3 fatty acids and FDA-approved pharmacotherapy, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2023
2023 Hung-Chang Kuo、Kuo-Chuan Hung、Hung-Yu Wang、Bing-Syuan Zeng、Tien-Yu Chen、Dian-Jeng Li,、Pao-Yen Lin、Kuan-Pin Su、Min-Hsien Chiang、Andre F Carvalho, Prophylaxis for paediatric emergence delirium in desflurane-based anaesthesia: a network meta-analysis, Journal of Anesthesia, 2023
2023 廖瑞銘(Ruey-Ming-Liao)*、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh), 用心理解、跨域創新:從心理學談跨域研究的探索和整合之現況與挑戰, 人文與社會科學簡訊, 2023
2023 Meng-Hsiang Chen、Hsiu-Man Lin、Yu-Ru Sue、Yun-Chen Yu、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)*, Meta-analysis reveals a reduced surface area of the amygdala in individuals with attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 2023
2022 Hsien?Jane Chiu、Cheuk?Kwan Sun、Hsin?Yi Fan、Ruu?Fen Tzang、Ming?Yu Wang、Ying?Chih Cheng、Yu?Shian Cheng、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)*、Weilun Chung, Surface electroencephalographic neurofeedback improves sustained attention in ADHD: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, vol.16 no.104, 2022
2022 Weilun Chung、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)、Yu-Shian Cheng、Cheng Liu、Hsin-Yi Fan、Ruu?Fen Tzang、Cheuk-Kwan Sun、Hsien?Jane Chiu, Factors influencing therapeutic effectiveness of electroencephalogram-based neurofeedback against core symptoms of ADHD: a systematic review and meta-analysis, JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY & NEUROSCIENCE, vol.13 no.47, 2022
2022 Hsiu-Man Lin、Yu-Tzu Chang、Meng-Hsiang Chen、Shu-Tsen Liu、Bo-Shen Chen、 Lin Li、Chiao-Yu Lee、Yu-Ru Sue、Tsai-Mei Sung、 Cheuk-Kwan Sun、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)*, Structural and Functional Neural Correlates in Individuals with Excessive Smartphone Use: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
2022 Meng-Hsiang Chen、Cheuk-Kwan Sun、 I-Mei Lin、孫旻暐(MEIN-WOEI SUEN)、Yu-Ru Sue、I-Ling Chen、Chih-Lung Lin、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)*, Size reduction of the right amygdala in chronic pain patients with emotional stress: A systematic review and meta-analysis, PAIN MEDICINE, 2022
2022 Wei-Te Lei、 Ling-Sai Chang、Bing-Yan Zeng、 Yu-Kang Tu、Ritei Uehara、Yutaka J Matsuoka、Kuan-Pin Su、Pi-Chang Lee、Joao L Cavalcante、Brendon Stubbs, Pharmacologic interventions for Kawasaki disease in children: A network meta-analysis of 56 randomized controlled trials, EBioMedicine, 2022
2022 曾秉濤(Ping-Tao Tseng)、Bing-Yan Zeng、Yen-Wen Chen、Chun-Pai Yang、Kuan-Pin Su、Tien-Yu Chen、Yi-Cheng Wu、Yu-Kang Tu、 Pao-Yen Lin、 Andre F Carvalho, The Dose-and Duration-Dependent Association between Melatonin Treatment and Overall Cognition in Alzheimer's Dementia: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials, Current Neuropharmacology, 2022
2022 Shun-Chin Liang、Cheuk-Kwan Sun、Hsin-Yi Fan、Weilun Chung、Ruu?Fen Tzang、Kuo-Chuan Hung、Hsien?Jane Chiu、Yu-Shian Cheng,、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)*, Therapeutic Effects of Antidepressants for Global Improvement and Subdomain Symptoms of ASD: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY & NEUROSCIENCE, 2022
2022 Tzu-Chao Lin、Bing-Yan Zeng、Meng-Ni Wu、Tien-Yu Chen、Yen-Wen Chen、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)、曾秉濤(Ping-Tao Tseng)*、Chung-Yao Hsu, Changes in Periodic Limb Movements of Sleep After the Use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy: A Meta-Analysis, Frontiers in Neurology, 2022
2021 Weilun Chung、Cheuk?Kwan Sun、I.?Ting Tsai、Kuo?Chuan Hung、Hsien?Jane Chiu、Ruu?Fen Tzang、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)*、Yu?Shian Cheng, A systematic review and meta?analysis on the clinical implications of probability discounting among individuals with Internet gaming disorder, Scientific Reports, vol.11 no.3177, 2021
2021 Chao-Ming Hung、Bing-Yan Zeng、Bing-Syuan Zeng、Cheuk-Kwan Sun、Yu-Shian Cheng、Kuan-Pin Su、Yi-Cheng Wu、Tien-Yu Chen、Pao-Yen Lin、Chih-Sung Liang、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh), Cancer-related fatigue: light therapy: updated meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, vol.0 pp.1-9, 2021
2020 Yu-Shian Cheng、Check-Kwan Sun、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)、Min-Kung Wu、Kuo-chuan Hung、Hsieh-Jane Chiu(Hsieh-Jane Chiu)*, Serotonergic antidepressants for sleep disturbances in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis, MENOPAUSE-THE JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN MENOPAUSE SOCIETY, vol.28 no.2, 2020
2020 成毓賢(Yu-ShianCheng)、柯慧貞(HUEI CHEN KO)、孫灼均(Cheuk-KwanSun)、葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh), The relationship between delay discounting and Internet addiction: A systematic review and meta-analysis, ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS, 2020
2019 葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)、余麗樺(Lifa, Yu)、郭乃文(Nai-Wen, Guo)*、林偉哲(Wei-Che, Lin)、吳景寬(Ching-Kuan, Wu), Observation and Imitation of Social Emotions Are Essential for Improving Cognitive and Affective Theory of Mind in Schizophrenia: A Meta-analysis., JOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE, vol.207 pp.474-481, 2019
Project Title Participator Period
注意力不集中過動症兒童感染新冠病毒後注意力、執行功能與額葉腦波之 平台合作計畫 長期變化與運用深度機器學習建模:第一年研究 (ASIA-112-CMUH-02) 葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh) 2023.12 ~ 2024.11
結合生物數據與延宕折扣參數以卷積神經網路建構腦波與心電模型預測大學 生網路遊戲/網路社群成癮風險、衝動程度與情緒調控能力 (NSTC 112-2410-H-468-009 -) 葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh) 2023.08 ~ 2024.07
慢性疼痛併有心理疾患與否於腦結構與活躍程度之差異:系統文獻回顧與後設分析研究 (ASIA-111-CMUH-20) 葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh) 2022.11 ~ 2023.10
注意力不足過動者異常的皮質下結構:系統文獻回顧與後設分析研究 (ASIA-110-CMUH-15) 葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh) 2021.11 ~ 2022.10
網路遊戲成癮高低風險大學生使用情緒壓抑策略程度、負面情緒情境的眼動與相應腦波表現之差異 (MOST 110-2410-H-468-017-) 葉品陽(Pin-Yang Yeh)、柯慧貞(HUEI CHEN KO) 2021.08 ~ 2022.07
Category Course Code Course Title Year
研究所碩士班 TP200094A 臨床心理實習(一) 113
研究所碩士班 TP200130A 臨床心理專題研究(一) 113
研究所碩士班 TP200132A 臨床心理專題研究(三) 113
研究所碩士班 TP200171A 心理病理學 113
研究所碩士班 TP200184A 研究設計 113
研究所碩士班 TP200227A 臨床神經心理學概論 113
大學日間部 TP300272C 學輔時間(一) 113
大學日間部 TP300339A 畢業專題(二) 113
大學日間部 XDU00183A 成癮行為研究與實務專題(一) 113
大學日間部 XDU00228A 神經心理學架構之科技輔具於成癮行為評估與介入之運用 113