姓名 | 廖瑞铭 (Dr. Ruey-Ming Liao) |
职称 | 特聘教授兼系主任 |
学历 | 美国密西西比大学心理学博士 |
经历 |
专长 | 生物心理学、精神药理学、神经科学 |
在校时间表 | 在校时间表 |
校内办公室 | 管理大楼M302室 |
校内分机 | 5710 |
电子邮件 | |
教师历程档案 | https://webap.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/rmliao |
年度 | 论文名称 |
2024 | Shuo-Fu Chen、Wan-Ju Cheng、Chih-Chang Chao、郭俊显(Chun-Hsien Kuo)、廖瑞铭(Ruey-Ming-Liao)*, Baseline-dependent enhancement of working memory by memantine in male rats: Involvement of NMDA receptor subunits and CaMKII signaling, PHARMACOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BEHAVIOR, 2024 |
2023 | Tsung-Han Yang、廖瑞铭(Ruey-Ming-Liao)、Chung-I Su、Chun-Yi Chien、Chan-Tat Ng、Nai-Shing Yen(Nai-Shing Yen)*, Interval timing relative to response inhibition in the differential reinforcement of low-rate responding in normally developing young adults, Scientific Reports, 2023 |
2023 | Ruey-Kuang Cheng(Ruey-Kuang Cheng)*、廖瑞铭(Ruey-Ming-Liao), Investigating temporal memory strength and time-based impulse control using the DRL task, Timing & Time Perception, vol.11 pp.263-278, 2023 |
2022 | Shuo?Fu Chen、Wei?Chung Hsu、Xi?Yun Lu、Chuen?Yu Chuang、廖瑞铭(Ruey-Ming-Liao), Comparative effects of cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonist and antagonist on timing impulsivity induced by d-amphetamine in a differential reinforcement of low-rate response task in male rat., PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, vol.239 pp.1459-1473, 2022 |
2022 | 廖瑞铭(Ruey-Ming-Liao)、Tommy Pattij, Neural basis of operant behaviors maintained on the differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate (DRL) schedule in rodents., BRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN, vol.185 pp.1-17, 2022 |
2021 | Chuen-Yu Chuang、Shang-Yueh Tsai、Shuo-Fu Chen、Yi-Hua Yang、Chih-Chang Chao、Nai-Shing Yen、Ruey-Ming Liao, Neurobiological changes in striatal glutamate are associated with trait impulsivity of differential reinforcement of low-rate-response behavior in male rats., NEUROBIOLOGY OF LEARNING AND MEMORY, vol.177 pp.107352-, 2021 |
2021 | Pei-Pei Liu、Chih-Chang Chao、Ruey-Ming Liao, Lack of effect of dopamine receptor blockade on SKF83959-altered operant behavior in male rats., CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY, vol.64 pp.1-15, 2021 |
2021 | Pei-Pei Liu、Chih-Chang Chao、Ruey-Ming Liao, Task-dependent effects of SKF83959 on operant behaviors associated to distinct changes of CaMKII signaling in striatal subareas., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, vol.24 no.9 pp.721-733, 2021 |
2020 | Ruey-Kuang Cheng、Ruey-Ming Liao, Examinations of the Effects of SCH23390 and raclopride infused in the dorsal striatum on amphetamine-induced timing impulsivity measured on a differential reinforcement of low-rate responding (DRL) task in rats., BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH, vol.379 pp.112364-, 2020 |
发表日期 | 论文名称 |
2022.11 | Wei-Chung Hsu、Shu-Ting Wu、Shuo-Fu Chen、Chuan-Yao Wang、廖瑞铭(Ruey-Ming-Liao), Fixed, interval schedule controlled behavior affected by d-amphetamine induced behavioral sensitization in male rats - Neuroscience 2022, the annual conference of Society for Neuroscience, Nov. 2022, San Diego, California, USA |
2022.11 | Shuo-Fu Chen、Lei-Chieh Chao、Wei-Chung Hsu、Xi-Yun Lu、Chuan-Yao Wang、Shau-Kwaun Chen、Chih-Chang Chao、廖瑞铭(Ruey-Ming-Liao), Striatal CK2 mediated DARPP, 32 phosphorylation associates with impulsive action measured by a differential reinforcement of low-rate response task in rats - Neuroscience 2022, the annual conference of Society for Neuroscience, Nov. 2022, San Diego, California, USA |
2022.06 | Shuo?Fu Chen、Chuan-Yao Wang、Chih-Chang Chao、Wei-Chung Hsu、Lei-Chieh Chao、Syun-Ruei Lee、Minpheus R. Huang、Ruey-Ming Liao, Neurochemical and behavioral differences between ketamine isomers and amphetamine in male rats. , The 45th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Jun. 2022, Okinawa, Japan |
2022.03 | Chih-Chang Chao、Shuo-Fu Chen、Wei-Chung Hsu、Chuan-Yao Wang、Ruey-Ming Liao, Protein Kinase CK2, mediated signaling involves in the impulsive behavior of DRL task. - The 36th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Mar. 2022, Taipei, Taiwan |
计画名称 | 参与人 | 计画期间 |
第一及第二族群代谢型麸胺酸受体在计时有关的操作式制约行为之角色 (NSTC 113-2410-H-468-021-MY2) | 廖瑞铭(Ruey-Ming-Liao) | 2024.08 ~ 2026.07 |
『身心一体、心脑共舞』:生理心理学教学方式与学习成效的探讨 (PMN1122291) | 廖瑞铭(Ruey-Ming-Liao)、郭俊显(Chun-Hsien Kuo) | 2023.08 ~ 2023.07 |
代谢型麸胺酸受体在计时有关的操作式制约行为之角色 (NSTC 112-2410-H-468-024) | 廖瑞铭(Ruey-Ming-Liao)、郭俊显(Chun-Hsien Kuo)、陈宗祺(Tsung-Chi Chen) | 2023.08 ~ 2024.07 |
区别性增强低频反应 (DRL) 之操作式制约行为的神经基础:第二部分- 与固定时距行为相较 (MOST 111-2410-H-004-215) | 廖瑞铭(Ruey-Ming-Liao) | 2022.08 ~ 2023.07 |
低频反应 (DRL) 操作式制约行为的神经基础 (MOST 110-2410-H-004-110) | 廖瑞铭(Ruey-Ming-Liao) | 2021.08 ~ 2023.04 |
课程类别 | 课程代码 | 课程名称 | 年度 |
研究所硕士班 | TP200251A | 应用心理学跨域研究(一) | 113 |
研究所硕士班 | TP200256A | 应用心理学专题研究(二) | 113 |
研究所硕士班 | TP200263A | 应用心理学专题研究(四) | 113 |
研究所博士班 | TA110001A | 博士论文 | 113 |
研究所硕士班 | TP200018A | 学术研讨(二) | 113 |
研究所硕士班 | TP200044B | 硕士论文 | 113 |
研究所硕士班 | TP200247A | 硕士论文 | 113 |
大学日间部 | TP300024B | 生理心理学 | 113 |
大学日间部 | TP300338A | 毕业专题(一) | 113 |
硕士在职专班 | TP400001A | 硕士论文 | 113 |
大学日间部 | XDU00283A | 视觉与认知 | 113 |