
廖瑞铭 特聘教授兼系主任 (Dr. Ruey-Ming Liao)
Ph.D. and M.S. (1984-1989) Department of Psychology, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, U.S.A.B.S. (1976-1980) Department of Psychology, Chung-Yuan Christian University, Chung-Li, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan.
- Distinguished Professor and Chairperson, Department of Psychology, Asia University (2022/8-present)
- Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, National Cheng-Chi University (2007/8-2022/7).
- Scientist, Research Center of Mind, Brain and Learning, National Cheng-Chi University (2007/1-2022/7)
- Visiting Professor, Department of Anatomy and Neurosciences, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2019/6/27-2019/8/6)
- Professor of Psychology, National Cheng-Chi University (1996/8-2007/7).
- Associate Professor of Psychology, National Cheng-Chi University (1989/9-1996/7).
- Director of Research Center of Mind, Brain and Learning, National Cheng-Chi University (2007/1-2012/7)
- Director of Institute of Neuroscience, National Cheng-Chi University (2007/8-2012/7)
- 国科会人文处心理学门召集人 (2005/1-2007/12).
- Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (2000/4-2000/9).
- 国科会人文处社会科学研究中心执行委员 (2004/8-2011/12).
Academic Membership
- Taiwanese Psychological Association 2.Chinese Physiological Society
- Taiwan Neuroscience Society
- Society of Neuroeconomics
- Society for Neuroscience
- International Brain Research Organization 7.Japanese Neuroscience Society
Annual Research Award of National Science Council, Taiwan (1991, 1993-1996, 1998-2000) 国科会甲种研究奖
3-year Research Award with the Highest Rank of National Science Council, Taiwan (2005-2008) 国科会最高研究计画主持费奖励(3 年)
Annual Award for Special Researcher of National Science Council, Taiwan (2010-2012) 国科会研究计画主持费奖励
Annual Award for Special Researcher of Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (2013-2021) (政治大学)科技部研究奖励
Award for Research in Oversea, National Science Council, Taiwan (2000 4/1-8/31) 国科会科学与技术人员国外短期研究
Research Award of National Cheng-Chi University (2001, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2016) 政治大学学术研究优良奖
Outstanding Research Award of National Cheng-Chi University (2006, 2017) 政治大学学术研究特优奖
Distinguished Professorship of National Cheng-Chi University (2008/8-2014/7) 政治大学特聘教授
Scholarship of Erasmas+ staff mobility for teaching at University of Warsaw (2018 5/17-5/23) 欧盟教师移动计画奖励
Journal editorial boards
Review Editor, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2019/6-present)
Member of Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Physiology (2008/1-present).
Associate Editor of Chinese Journal of Physiology (2011/1-2012/12).
Member of Editor, Chinese Journal of Psychology (2008/1-2009/12).
Ad Hoc Journal Reviewer
Behavioural Brain Research
Chinese Journal of Physiology
Chinese Journal of Psychology
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology Life Sciences
Metabolic Brain Disease
Neuroscience Letters
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior
Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
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